WATCH: RuPaulogize

Willam Belli's video for his latest parody/song involves 'RuPaul's Drag Race' queens Sharon Needles, Raja, Pandora, and Alaska
April 22 2013 12:43 PM EST
February 05 2015 9:27 PM EST
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It's nearing the end of another season of RuPaul's Drag Race, which means... it's time to capitalize on the millions of viewers by releasing new songs from bitter queens!
If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then Willam is the biggest brown noser of the bunch. She's penned a song titled "RuPaulogize"--set to the tune of One Republic's "Apologize"--that takes the term she coined in Season 4 and seeks redress of Ru's slights to Willam's honor. Or something like that.
The best part? In the video--which is a riff on "Public Affair," featuring Jessica Simpson and her gal pals, Christina Applegate, Eva Longoria, and Christina Millian--Sharon Needles goes for full-on glamazon drag to achieve an incredible impersonation of RuPaul herself. Plus, Raja looks loca and Alaska is ... the most hideously grotesque we've ever seen her. Pandora also makes a cameo.
But it's boys Chad Sanders and Mario Diaz getting shirtless and rough and tumble in roller skates that is the piece de resistance. Thanks, Willam. You made our Monday.
Watch "RuPaulogize" below:
And thanks to Keithers for this gorgeous GIF: