When Did Blake McIver Ewing Get All Grown-Up?
When Did Blake McIver Ewing Get All Grown-Up?

Further proof men do get better-looking with age
October 18 2013 2:15 PM EST
November 07 2023 4:43 AM EST
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When Did Blake McIver Ewing Get All Grown-Up?
Further proof men do get better-looking with age
Remember Blake McIver Ewing? OK, probably not. Remember Derek Boyd, Michelle's frenemy on Full House? Or Waldo in The Little Rascals? Anything? OK, to better refresh your memory:
(The Little Rascals)
And now he looks like:
(GIF via Buzzfeed)
Hello, hello. Ewing's turned into quite the Ken doll. Did I fail to mention he's also gay and out and made an "It Gets Better" video a couple years back?
In the clip, Ewing performs a song he wrote himself. He explains the story behind the performance in the YouTube summary:
"This is a song I wrote for anyone who has ever been bullied or taunted or made to feel 'less than' by others. When I was fourteen I came very close to becoming a gay teen suicide 'statistic' but I then turned to music, my piano, my loved ones, and discovered that it does in fact get better. But that being said, I believe we must raise awareness to protect the LGBT teens who are still being physically and verbally assaulted and fear for their lives every day. We also have a responsibility to end this suicide epidemic. It won't get better unless we all fight to make it better! Thank you for listening."
So, what's the child-star-turned-perfectly-coiffed-haired-hunk up to these days?
Other than taking sexy selfies such as this on Twitter:
Ewing is now a host on Bravo's The People's Couch, a new, three-episode social docu-series, which premiered October 6 and features TV viewers funniest quips about the week's best shows. Ewing comments couch-side with his friends, bringing plenty of sass, muscles, and cheekbones to the living room.
Check it out below:
[H/T Buzzfeed]