Ray Gillette (voiced by show creator Adam Reed) has been through a lot on four seasons of Archer. The openly gay intelligence analyst has seen his role grow from a pawn in the ISIS control room to an integral part of the field team, including serving as the leader of the mission to rescue Human Resources director Pam Poovey.
Unfortunately for Gillette, being more involved has also meant being exposed to Sterling Archer's maverick ways. Thanks to the spy, Gillette nearly lost an eye, was paralyzed during a space shuttle crashing landing, and electrocuted by a defibrillator.
The troubles haven't stopped the agent, however, from being wittiest tongue-lasher on the team. Gillette took time from throwing shade at Mallory Archer to answer Out's 10 most burning questions.
1. You've said "Double Dukes" and "Triple Dukes" to describe when something goes wrong. What would constitute as a "Quadruple Dukes?"
Ray Gillette: A "quadruple dukes" would probably have to entail my saying or doing something incredibly embarrassing in front of all four of my favorite actual Dukes: Bo, Luke, Randolph, and Mortimer.
2. Let's be honest: who actually looks better in a black turtleneck, you or Archer?
If we're genuinely being honest, Archer. Ugh.
3. When are you going to launch a line of crisis vests?
Well, we did an initial run of 1,000 vests, only to discover that demand for them was not as high as I had anticipated--now I somehow have 1,100 vests.
4. You took home bronze in the giant slalom during the Olympic games. Do you have any advice for athletes competing at Sochi?
I have a lot of thoughts about the Sochi games, but I think I'll keep them to myself--one of my main goals in life is not to die from polonium poisoning.

5. Now that you can walk, any plans to hit the slopes again?
No, apparently that would void the warranty.
6. We know you have a penchant for rent boys. Do you have any tips for finding the right one?
My accountant keeps telling me that "lease boys" actually make more sense--something about an accelerated depreciation schedule?
7. What do you make of all these straight guys twerking on the Internet?
Wait, what? Can you PM me a URL? (LOL!)
8. One of the biggest secrets of 2013 was Beyonce's album. Did ISIS have any intel on the project?
Wait, WHAT?!
9. You're stranded on a desert island. Who do you want with you: Barbra Streisand or Liza Minnelli?
You're kidding, right? Have you ever actually met Barbra Streisand?
10. Let's play "Fuck, Marry, Kill." You have to choose between Malory Archer, Lana, and Pam.
Tough one! Except for the part about killing Ms. Archer. With a burlap sack full of dirty hammers, but rather than dying from blunt-force trauma, she actually dies from tetanus, which takes weeks. (Not that I've given it any thought.)

Bonus: What is your spirit animal?
Season five of Archer, dubbed Vice, premieres Monday Jan. 13 on FX.