Just over a year ago Jason Thomas was sent a letter by Watermark Church telling him that he was no longer welcome to be a part of their congregation. The reason cited in the letter, or "destructive pattern," as the church put it, was his "desire to actively participate in a same-sex relationship with another man."
But it wasn't as if Thomas hadn't tried. He entered the church's "Re:Generation," program, a type of "support" program also used to help people with eating disorders, drug abuse, and pornography addictions. But when the program was unable to rid him of his feelings toward his boyfriend, he stopped attending.
Thomas shared the letter Watermark wrote him on Facebook a year later, saying, "Today I celebrate a very interesting anniversary with you. It was exactly one year ago when you told me that I was no longer worthy to serve, be in a community group, and be a member of your church."
Thomas shared his story with a local news station in Texas, where he spoke out about how damaging programs like Watermark's can be to people. Read his Facebook post and watch the Fox 4 segment below.
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