Photography by M. Sharkey
Stolz defies definition. A fashion model and former contestant on America's Next Top Model, she had a stint as an MTV VJ but is now enjoying her role as a vice president for Citigroup in equity-derivative sales. She's also written a book, Can't Stop, about the impact of smart phones, social media, and reality TV on the current generation, due out next year. "The irony is not lost on me that my career has been created and enhanced by social media," says Stolz. "But everyone needs to go through their own individual revolution to see how it can help, rather than harm, you." Stolz got engaged to Lexi Ritsch this year, and also opened a restaurant called The Dalloway (in honor of the Virginia Woolf character) with Amanda Leigh Dunn (a cast member of The Real L World) in Manhattan.
Photographed at Sun Studios in New York City on September 13, 2012