A new hit sitcom focusing on almost exclusively gay characters has emerged from the most unlikeliest of places: Communist China. The show, called (in English) Rainbow Family, has only been able to screen online, since the Chinese government will not allow it on national airwaves, but still has a very high production value and has managed to garner more than 24 million views since airing.
Rainbow Family focuses on Xie Kezan, a gay man in grad school who has yet to come out to his family. Joining him in the cast are Song Yi, Xie's best friend and the thirstiest of straight girls, as well as a flamboyant roommate, Austin, and Austin's freeloader ex-boyfriend.
Creators of the show list Will & Grace as a major inspiration in terms of design and script. The sitcom is produced by Ling Jueding, the CEO of Chinese gay hookup app Zank.
The first two episodes are available with English subtitles. Watch below:
Check out Rainbow Family's entire YouTube channel here.
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