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![5 Gorgeous Posters Celebrating Trans Day of Resilience]()
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5 Gorgeous Posters Celebrating Trans Day of Resilience
For the fourth official Trans Day of Resilience, which will take place on November 20, Forward Together encourages the world to remember and mourn our fallen trans and gender-nonconforming sisters, but to also celebrate those of us who are still alive, and to recognizethe beautiful futures ahead for the trans community, particularly trans women of color.
In partnership with the Audre Lorde Project, The Trans Day of Resilience has commissioned art from queer artists of color to create five multimedia pieces celebrating this important day of solidarity and strength. Five trans and nonconforming visual artists were paired with five poets to create gorgeous pieces celebrating and magnifying trans voices.
The artists involved are:
jayy dodd (CA) and Sophia Zarders (Long Beach, CA)
Amir Khadar (MN) and kiki nicole (Portland, OR)
EDXIE BETTS (Los Angeles, CA) and Benji Hart (Chicago, IL)
Colin Laurel (Portland OR) and Nikole (Niko) Shahbazian (Chicago, IL)
xoai pham (Brooklyn, NY) and Art Twink (Long Beach, CA)
In the following slides, take a look at each poster and its accompanying artist statement.
(Art Above): Art Twink
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