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The Anthem: the Ayn Rand Musical You Never Knew You Wanted to See?

'Macho Man' Randy Jones trades his Cowboy duds for the adaptation of the futuristic novella

MIX New York Queer Experimental Film Festival

An eclectic fest that encompasses just about every subculture you can imagine

Remembering 9/11 with The Rugby Player

The documentary about Mark Bingham, one of the heroes on the plane that crashed on Sept. 11, celebrates his vitality and sporting life

Australian Olympic Hopeful Comes Out

"I want to be proud of who I am and be proud of all the work I've done to get into the Olympics."

WATCH: Big Freedia's Guide To Twerking

A lesson in bounce from the "Queen Diva" herself

WATCH: Dior Homme Shows Fall Collection in Shanghai

Kris Van Assche returns to China to present his fall collection

Taking A Gay Ol' Tour of the 2014 Whitney Biennial

From Gary Indiana to Bjarne Melgaard, our guy takes a stroll through the last exhibit to take place at the museum's Upper East Side location

Need to Know: San Fran Trans Film Fest

The annual event takes place Nov. 8-10

Big Freedia To Take Over Herald Square Sept. 25

Big Freedia to take over Herald Square to set the Guinness World Record for most people twerking

Big Freedia on Miley Cyrus, Twerking, RuPaul & White Entitlement in Music

We caught up with the Queen of Bounce to discuss Miley's VMA performance, Macklemore vs. Le1f, RuPaul, and her new TV show on Fuse

The Importance of Being Ernest Hemingway

A mashup of Oscar Wilde and the works of Hemingway plays up homoerotic subtext

WATCH: Kit Harington's Abs In 'Pompeii'

The teaser trailer shows potential

WATCH: More Kidman as Kelly In Grace Of Monaco

Nicole Kidman stars as actress turned princess, Grace Kelly, in Olivier Dahan's new biopic

Queer New York International Arts Festival: SUKA OFF

We asked questions of the performance artists communicating non-verbally with S&M imagery that can often look very kinky

Gay Camp by Philip Mutz: the Gayest Show On Earth?

A satirical play about about gay reform camps proves skewering stereotypes is the best weapon—even in Spokane

Richard Simmons' Hair Style Makes a Statement

"Get something cute, get something girly"

An Art History Guide To Gaga's 'Applause'

From Sandro Botticelli to Claude Monet