Tim Drake: Robin, a comic series that launched in September and focuses on Tim Drake, more commonly known as Robin in the DC Comics Universe, is getting the axe after its tenth installment.
Written by Meghan Fitzmartin, Bounding Into Comics notes the series was meant to be a “breakthrough for representation in comics,” as Tim Drake was presented as a gay/bisexual man.
Although DC initially put out high hopes for the ongoing comics, a major issue most people have is Fitzmartin and the publishers taking an established character with a history of girlfriends and completely changing his sexuality based on events that were non-canon.
Whether an agenda was behind the decision or not, the team at DC was convinced Tim Drake: Robin would net them more readers.
Fitzmartin confirmed the cancellation on Twitter, saying, “It has been an incredible privilege to tell Tim Drake’s story. From Urban Legends, to Young Justice, to now, we have seen Tim Drake blossom and grow into himself, becoming even more of a hero not just for the crime he fights, but for the acceptance of self.”
Despite her joy at writing the character and her love of connecting with fans, Fitzmartin hopes that “Timothy Jackson Drake’s journey has inspired you to tell your own story. That nothing is set in stone, we are the storytellers, the creators, the voices the world needs. Art is precious and powerful, able to change hearts and minds, to transcend laws and borders. I can’t wait to read what you have in store.”
The last installment of the series will be published on June 23 and feature art and a main cover by Nikola Čižmešija and offer two variant covers — one by Gleb Melnikov and a DC Pride variant by Travis Moore.
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