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Halsey Claps Back at This Magazine That Misgendered Them

Halsey Claps Back at This Magazine That Misgendered Them


The new parent also said they are done doing press.

Halsey is not having any of it.

In a series of now-deleted tweets, singer and new mother Halsey is calling out Allure Magazine for misgendering them and publishing quotes from them out of context in the singer's new cover story.

The Pop Base Twitter account got screenshots of the tweets, in which the singer explains how she felt used and disrespected by the magazine.

"First your writer made a focal point in my cover story my pronouns and you guys deliberately disrespected them by not using them in the article," they tweeted.

Halsey uses she/they pronouns, and usually, when someone says they use multiple pronouns, that means they want to be referred to by both of them. With most people who do, the best practice is to mix what pronouns you use, unless the person says they only want one pronoun to be used at the time.

Being misgendered wasn't her only problem with the way the magazine treated her though. "Then your admin bastardized a quote where I discuss the privilege of being the white child of a Black parent + intentionally used a portion that was the antithesis of the point I was trying to make," they tweeted.

Allure has now deleted the tweet in question, but initially, it had tweeted out that in the story, Halsey talks about struggling as a white-passing person. "Throughout her life, @halsey has struggled with her identity as a white-passing Black woman (her mother is white and her father is Black). 'A lot of people try to write off a lot of my experiences because I present white,'" the tweet read.

In the actual article, Halsey does say her experiences have been written off, but continues to say that they are nothing compared to "the tears that I would shed for presenting phenotypically Black and the disadvantages and the violence that I would face because of that."

She also called out the magazine for doing these things in an interview where she specifically said she doesn't like to do press because she often feels exploited and misquoted.

In a final tweet, Halsey said the simple message: "#NoMorePress goodbye." The tweets have all been deleted now, but that doesn't mean Halsey feels any differently.

Allure has since deleted the tweet with the out-of-context quote and has updated its story to be more inclusive of Halsey's multiple pronouns.

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Mey Rude

Mey Rude is a journalist and cultural critic who has been covering queer news for a decade. The transgender, Latina lesbian lives in Los Angeles with her fiancée.

Mey Rude is a journalist and cultural critic who has been covering queer news for a decade. The transgender, Latina lesbian lives in Los Angeles with her fiancée.