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Papal Bull


With an eye on what's happening around the world and in an effort to use to discuss the issues and events that we've found ourselves chatting about this week, we bring you a look at Pope Benedict XVI. As the leader -- at least here in the material world -- of the Catholic Church, the Pope wields an incredible amount of influence. His edicts, decrees, and condemnations are not only ingested by the millions of faithful Catholic parishioners around the globe but he also plays a prominent role on the world stage, weighing in on the latest political and ethical debates as they spring up. Unfortunately for queer people, the Pope has never been what you'd call the greatest champion of our cause. This is especially true for Pope Benedict XVI, the latest in a long line of holy men to hold the highest office in the Vatican. From banning would-be priests with "gay tendencies" from entering the seminary to recently comparing transgender people to natural disasters, time and time again Pope Benedict XVI has taken every available opportunity to point out how supposedly sinful and deviant the lives of LGBT people are. Below we've rounded-up a few choice links to help understand what the Pope believes, what he's said about gay issues since he's entered the Vatican, and what others, like Michael Joseph Gross, Cristina Odone, and William Saletan, have said in response. Continue to check back as we'll keep updating this page with more news, op-eds, and blog posts if and when he pipes up again, though we're (most likely futilely) hoping against hope we won't have the need. > William Saletan's column "Pope Benedict's antigay tendencies" > Cristina Odone's Observer UK column "The Pope had a chance to calm fears. Instead, he promoted them." > Michael Joseph Gross' January 2007 Out feature story "When In Rome (Is the Pope Gay?)" Send a letter to the editor about this article.

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