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Love Transcends Gender in the Trailer for Every Day 

Love Transcends Gender in the Trailer for Every Day

Every Day

“I know what makes each person different, and what makes everyone the same” 

What if you literally fell in love with a different person every day - their soul is the same, but their race, height, body shape, and gender are always subject to change. That's the obstacle that Rhiannon faces when she meets "A" in Every Day.

Based off David Levithan's bestseller, the upcoming film sees the 16-year-old girl meeting a new version of "A" every day and falling a little more in love with them each time. Always the same age but never in the same body twice, "A" has never felt the type of connection they feel with Rhiannon, and the two attempt to navigate the seemingly endless list of difficulties they face.

Every Day debuts in theaters February 23, 2018. Watch, below.

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