"It's right at home in my sense of humor--vintagey--and my personality and sense of humor shine through," Jinkx Monson explains, referring to the video for her song, "The Bacon Shake," written and featuring Fred Schneider. "It's a bawdy, after-hours gentleman's club and this woman is 'getting the boys thirsty,' and it turns into a big dance that everyone joins. It's a mix between a Charleston and a Dirty Shimmy. Just shake your tits as hard as you can."
Plus, Jinkx points out, they managed to put bacon everywhere in the video. "And we all unanimously agreed that Fred needed to be the bartender, and my dream came true."
Some may think the song's title refers to the onc-popular food product used to season meat for meals, but Schneider says it wasn't intentional. "I wasn't thinking of Shake & Bake," he says. "It was too fancy for my family as a kid."
"And I helped," Jinkx adds, jokingly, employing the popular catch phrase from the TV commercial.
Schneider and Jinkx say they are already discussing other projects they can do together in the future, including more Fred Schneider songs for Jinkx's and Major Scales' (a.k.a. Richard Andriessen) next album. Plus, there may be a chance that Schneider could make a special guest appearance during Jinkx's next New York City performance in March. "Jinkx and Richard don't do pop-plop," Fred says, who is a big fan of the duo's The Vaudevillians show and other projects. "They go back to another era and different styles of music, which is really refreshing."
"Sometimes it's really surreal for me to be hanging out with Fred," Jinkx says. "I'll hear his voice and I think I'm 10 years old and dancing to good music all over again. That's been the most amazing thing of doing Drag Race and all the wonderful people I've met."
This won't be the last Jinkx and Schneider promise. "We already have more songs in the works. And we have a lot of half-baked ideas, we welcome Fred to help us make them a reality."