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Truman Says

What Did Anna Wintour Do On Thanksgiving?

If you're anything like us, right after you stuffed your face with turkey and sweet potatoes, you sat on your couch in a food coma and thought to yourself, "Self, I sure do wonder what Anna Wintour is doing right now". Sadly, this is true. Well, now we know! Instead of spending a home-y day basting turkey and warmly greeting visitors at her Greenwich Village brownstone, the ice queen of fashion was still in China on business. A lucky Gawker reader saw her Highness and took some video. Here's what they had to say:

How did Anna Wintour spend her Thanksgiving morning? Why at the Shanghai Museum of course. I was walking around their porcelain exhibit with my dad, when I recognize the Bob standing next to me. She's wearing a blue dress with boots, sunglasses in hand. She is accompanied by one male assistant and two female assistants. Someone with the museum is giving her a private tour, the only person I saw getting one. The whole operations is low key. My dad later said he wouldn't have noticed anything about her unless I had pointed it out.

I follow her around and discreetly take pictures of her. I was wearing a Gap v-neck with a toothpaste stain on it so in no way acceptable to approach her. Also, I was hoping that without her knowing she was being watched, she'd fall or something. I lose her for a bit, but I see her exiting the jade exhibit later. As she slips on The Glasses, she notices me staring at her. Whoops. She walks to the escalator with her entourage, and I take a video of her going down the four flights.

We're so jealous we're fuming. First of all, we love that not only Anna has to be away from home for the holidays but not one, not two but three assistants have to tag along as well. We're also green with envy that she has a male one. We either want to date him or be him. So for all those Anna lovers out there, you now know what the fashion flock are doing for Thanksgiving next year: flying to China to do a museum tour, duh.

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