Video: Jonny McGovern's "Texting on the Dancefloor"

McGovern's latest video parody addresses the clash of lives lived virtually and those lived analog, and the epic battle therein.
April 16 2012 4:12 PM EST
February 05 2015 9:27 PM EST
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Have you ever been out with your friends for a night on the town, and you look around to find they're all endlessly texting, Facebooking, Tweeting, Instagraming, and anything else except actual interacting with the real people in front of them? Are you starting to lose your (P)interest in reality and succumbing to a digital existence? Jonny McGovern feels your pain. He feels i so deeply that he wrote a song about the perils of this electronic life, one where skin-to-skin contact is less important than how many #FFs you received last Friday. If your relationship with your smartphone is the most meaningful and fulfilling one you're involved with right now, than might we suggest you give McGovern's song a listen? He's fearful you're guilty of #TOTDF...or "Texting on the Dancefloor." Check out the video below: