WATCH: Wrong Direction Ask/Sing the Tough Questions

The boy band wonders what Romney’s ‘Hiding down below’ (fiscally)
August 22 2012 12:00 PM EST
February 05 2015 9:27 PM EST
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It seems that the lame-stream media isn't asking the tough questions anymore. They lob softball questions at candidates while not even touching on important topics. Maybe the solution is to replace talking heads like Piers Morgan and Ashleigh Banfield with a quintet of tone-deaf, shirtless queens.
In "Disclosure," a parody of One Direction's "What Makes You Beautiful," the gaggle of go-go boys take the GOP candidate to task for keeping his finances hush-hush, outsourcing jobs, and for generally being the human embodiment of Scrooge McDuck. Though the song lacks the lyrical hooks of the original, Wrong Direction makes up for it with gratuitous crotch shots and for being shirtless for the majority of the video.
Perhaps now, after this well crafted/lip-synched appeal for transparency in the electoral process, Mitt Romney will have a change of heart and honestly and fully release his tax returns.
Check it out below