10 Cutest Couples On the Web

Two high school seniors have endeared themselves to the entire web. Here's our top 10 cutest queer couples online
June 05 2013 8:33 AM EST
May 31 2023 7:04 PM EST
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Two high school seniors have endeared themselves to the entire web. Here's our top 10 cutest queer couples online
While we've already shared a list of the 15 Power Couples You Should Know, we didn't want to overlook all the amazing gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender couples who have also helped shape the conversation for visibility and marriage equality in recent years. Here's the Top 10.
1. Brad Taylor and Dylan Meehan
When a friend posted a yearbook photo of Brad Taylor and Dylan Meehan to her blog, it didn't take long for the picture to go viral. The couple, voted "cutest couple" in their high school yearbook, soon became internet celebrities. The story became emblematic of the great progress that has been made toward greater LGBTQ acceptance. Now the pair is going to prom together and will attend NYU together in the fall.
2. Brandon Morgan and Dalan Wells
Brandon Morgan and Dalan Wells, the couple who rocketed to internet fame in a kiss seen 'round the world, are going to tie the knot. Marine Sgt. Morgan, returning from Afghanistan to Hawaii, greeted his then boyfriend of four years with a passionate kiss and embrace. A friend snapped a photo and the rest is internet history. Now, over a year later, Morgan popped the question.
3. Matthew Phelps & Ben Schock
The first ever-same sex-couple to get engaged at the White House, Matthew Phelps & Ben Schock have married in Seattle (see wedding photos here). Immortalized in a now world-famous photo, Phelps got down on one knee last December on the six-month anniversary of their first date - also a the White House. Beats the old ring in a champagne flute.
4. Couple at the West Point winter formal
After appearing on the Facebook page of Knights Out, the West Point alumni support group for LGBTQ soldiers, a photo of a cadet and his boyfriend going to the West Point winter formal went viral. The unnamed couple (they were kept private since they are both minors) can be seen going arm-in-arm through the hallowed halls of the United States Military Academy at West point and lost in each others' eyes in front of one of the campus's picturesque buildings.
5. Scout & Liz Margolies
The video of Liz Margolies and Scout's very nontraditional Jewish wedding made rounds on the blogosphere last year. Scout, a transgender man, and Margolies, a lesbian, wed beneath a rainbow chuppah in an old fur vault in Chelsea. After the video of their proposal went viral and incurred a conservative backlash, the life-long LGBTQ activists decided they wanted their wedding to make a difference, so they choose Melissa Harris-Perry, the MSNBC host whom they'd met at the white reception where Scout proposed, and James Clementi, the older brother of Tyler Clementi, the Rutgers student who committed suicide after learning his roommate had secretly recorded him in a romantic encounter with another man, to be their witnesses. Instead of gifts, the couple requested donations to the Tyler Clementi Foundation and the Transgender People of Color Coalition.
6. Jason and Tony
Finding the right venue and a half-decent wedding videographer are up there with the seating chart and planning the menu on the list biggest wedding headaches. For Jason and Tony, whose wedding was at the Plaza Hotel and shot by filmmaker Jon Armendariz, things could have worked out worse. The video of the couple's fairytale wedding exploded on the Internet, and once you see it -- if you haven't already -- you'll understand why.
7. Koyuki Higashi and Hiroko
Actress and activist, Koyuki Higashi, and her partner Hiroko, made history by being the first couple to wed in a Magic Kingdom theme park. The pair wed this march at Tokyo Disneyland, despite the fact that Japan doesn't recognize same-sex marriage. Disney representatives had originally asked one of the brides to wear a tuxedo, but after Higashi went public with this on social media, the resort backed down.
8. David Harris and Tre'Darrius Anderson
David Harris and Tre'Darrius Anderson are one of the youngest gay couples to legally marry in the United States. The nineteen year olds tied the knot in front of the Lincoln memorial this past January and became the subject of My Gay Teenage Wedding. The young men, hailing from Memphis, traveled all the way to D.C. to make sure the union would be legally recognized.
9. Gap Be One Billboard
Gap, in an attempt to regain their former position power in the apparel industry, put up this endearing billboard last year. While this may be a nothing more than a marketing scheme, it said a lot that Gap would show support the LGBTQ community. And besides, the ad is totally adorable.
10. Time Magazine Covers
When Time is touting obnoxious generation-bating cover stories and making other questionable editorial choices, they from time to time (pun both unintentional and apologized for) put out a good cover. The two covers show intimate black and white photos of same-sex couples kissing tenderly. Tasteful yet bold, Time's refusal to shy away from images of gay displays of affection is both a testimate to the magazine and the sea change in American culture toward LGBTQ rights. Kristen Henderson, of band Antigone Rising, is featured kissing her wife on the lesbian cover, and she explained: "I'm kissing my wife on the cover because the mother of a gay kid might see it and finally come around to letting her son or daughter back in the house. I'm kissing my wife on the cover because it's time for every American to have their civil rights. And, let's be honest, I'm kissing my wife on the cover because Portia and Ellen probably weren't available..."
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