Quote of the Day: Anjelica Huston Wants To Be On Downton Abbey
Quote of the Day: Anjelica Huston Wants To Be On Downton Abbey

File this under 'things that NEED to happen'
November 20 2013 1:30 PM EST
February 05 2015 9:27 PM EST
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Quote of the Day: Anjelica Huston Wants To Be On Downton Abbey
In an interview with USA Today to promote her new memoir, A Story Lately Told, Anjelica Huston told reporter Jocelyn McClurg that she'd love a guest spot on Downton Abbey. "I was raised in Ireland and England so I could pop into a part," says the Hollywood legend. "Somebody like the Countess Markievicz (an Irish rebel), who they mentioned last season. Maybe I could make a guest appearance."
Though I'm dying to see Huston and grande dame Maggie Smith share a scene together, I'm pretty sure the universe would be torn apart, as it would be unable to handle that much concentrated talent.
About her tenure on NBC's ill-fated Smash, Huston spoke with a bit less enthusiasm. "I think the first year was very, very good," the 62-year-old screen icon said. As for the show's second--and final--season, for which show runner Joshua Safran replaced creator Theresa Rebeck, Huston laments, "the alternative creative ideas didn't really match up to (Rebeck's) standards." Furthermore, Huston said she was given little creative freedom with her character, Broadway producer Eileen Rand. "I was basically told to shut up and say the lines."
A diva through-and-through, Huston told McClurg that one of her favorite parts about being on Smash was the cocktail throwing. "I was addicted to it," said Huston "It was something I actually woke up and looked forward to most days." Well, that's one thing we have in common.