Over the weekend it was revealed that Andrej Pejic has joined Sofia Coppola's live-action version of The Little Mermaid. The androgynous model will play one of Ariel's sisters in what will be his big screen debut.
The model, who has pushed boundaries with her own gender fluidity on the runway, will certainly get a lot of attention as "Sister #4" even if the role proves to be a small one.
Currently, Pejic is the only talent attached to the Oscar-winning director's project, which was first announced in March.
While it will be the model's big screen debut, it's not her first time in front of the camera. Pejic recently appeared in David Bowie's music video for "The Stars (Are Out Tonight)" alongside Tilda Swinton.
Speaking of Swinton -- she would make an interesting addition to the film.
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