The documentary Next Goal Wins follows the American Samoa soccer team, dubbed "the worst team in the world," on its long journey to the World Cup qualifying rounds. Having lost every competitive game the team has ever played and being absolute bottom of FIFA's world rankings--the team has not won a single match in seventeen years.
The documentary also highlights the journey of soccer's trans superstar, the team's Jayiah Saelua (who was featured in the August issue of Out magazine). Saelua, more comfortably, sees herself as the sports first fa'afafine, translating to "in the form of a woman," player, which is recognized as American Samoa's third gender.
Of the gender labels, Saelua says, "On the field, I didn't think of myself as man or woman or trans--just a soccer player," adding, "I was so proud to be the first transgender to play in a World Cup qualifier. It's such an opportunity to promote equality in soccer."
The documentary depicts the soccer team's struggles on and off the field, with a powerful brand of hope in the face of immeasurable odds. Accompanied by the madman and soccer miracle worker that is their coach, Dutch-native Thomas Rongen.
>>>SPECIAL OFFER for Out readers: Win a FREE copy of Next Goal Wins by Tweeting #faafafine to Outmagazine & Next Goal Wins or sharing your thoughts about Jayiah's heartwarming story on Facebook.
Watch theNext Goal Wins' Jaiyah Featurette below:
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