Will Christina Hendricks be there to see her lovely parody in The Mad World of Miss Hathaway this time?
December 10 2014 11:07 AM EST
February 05 2015 9:27 PM EST
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Pictured: Stephan Michael Rondel & Angela DiCarlo | Photo by Eric McNatt | Poster designed by Michael Jorris
Mad Men, that Madison Avenue melodrama set in the 1960s ad world returns in 2015 with the remaining few episodes of the seventh and final season. Don Draper, Peggy Olson, and Joan Holloway will no doubt be back to their old tricks--but somehow now the show just seems a little meh. I know critics go weak hurling superlatives at the period piece, but for me it jumped the shark a few seasons ago. The early years were great boozy, sexy fun, but now I mainly watch the drab drama to root for Don's troubled teenage daughter, the eternally surly Sally Draper.
That said, I totally love The Mad World of Miss Hathaway, a hilariously original musical parody of Mad Men created by cabaret star (and my friend) Angela DiCarlo. She's a sassy broad from another era, with an ample bosom and big red hair, bearing a striking resemblance to the Joan character she sends up in her version. (Gay fans may recognize DiCarlo as one of the DJs from John Cameron Mitchell's monthly Mattachine party at Julius Bar.) Her Mad World shows are a hoot, a throwback to the glory days of counter culture off Broadway, burlesque, even vaudeville. The latest holiday episode, The Mad World of Miss Hathaway: Counter Culture Crisis-Mess, premieres this weekend. There's sure to be a naughty office holiday party involved. Angela took a break from rehearsals to gab with me about her show, poop jokes, and the joys of Christmas.
Why do you love Mad Men so much that you'd write this, your 12th episode of The Mad World of Miss Hathaway?
I've always said that I love the attention to detail on the show. They really do it right, the costumes, the hair, the sets the props. Do you remember that piece of shit show Pan Am with Christina Ricci? I'm sorry, but a show about air hostesses in the '60s should have been sexy and naughty and boozy! After the pilot, they dumbed down everything.
Pan Am was just copying Mad Men's vibe, albeit badly. What nonsense can we expect in this episode of your show?
This episode is really heavily influenced by dirty filthy drug taking hippies and future shock. Easy Rider, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Eve Arden, old tampon ads, drugs and sex drugs and sex. Lots of shit jokes, Rosemary's Baby, The Best of Everything, Valley of the Dolls, The Graduate, and also Carrie, The Stepford Wives, and Mommie Dearest, which aren't actually from the time period! If you don't actually watch Mad Men, you will still enjoy our show.
Who are some of your illustrious guest stars this time around?
This time we have lots of MWMH alums coming back, some of the funniest people I know including Mike Albo, David Ilku, Clayton Dean Smith, and Jill Pangallo. They make me laugh all the time in everyday life, I'm so lucky to have these hambones in the show. We also have Stephan Michael Rondel back as my son, Baby Marvin, and he also plays the Betty Draper character, in my version "Bitsy Raper," who rips the crotch out of the show every time.
My favorite songs you've written for the series are "Old Broads Need Love Too" and "I'm Hornier Than Usual at Christmas Time." What are yours?
Those two definitely. "What's a Jew to do at Christmas" is fun and super funny, and "I'm a Pacifiist" about trying to avoid the draft!
What do you like best about Christmas?
Well, I love writing a new Christmas song. I would actually LOVE LOVE LOVE to do a Christmas album one of these days. Maybe that is next! I might be able to make some damn money for a change.
You and your friends have been doing your best to keep the art of cabaret and way Off-Broadway performance alive. Who are some of your inspirations?
Number one, no doubt, is Charles Busch. The "elegance and vulgarity" aspect he uses to describe himself, I totally relate to that. I'm gonna wear a girdle, a gown, strap on my false eyelashes, and sing about infected dicks covered in scabs. It's a winning combination!
On the downtown scene, Amber Martin is one of my best friends, but also one of my favorite singers and is so creative. She will come out on stage as Reba McIntyre with the back of her dress completely open and her butt hanging out. Justin Vivian Bond and Bridgett Everett of course are both so funny and talented. I love how they are in such control and such pros. I love Justin Sayre, John Early, Unitard (Mike Albo, David Ilku & Nora Burns), and Lady Bunny. These people make me laugh more than anything that's on TV or movies right now.
What has been your favorite reaction, either praise or criticism, to your Mad World work?
I think the biggest thrill we ever got was getting in The Approval Matrix in New York magazine-Lowbrow/Brilliant! There's no other place to be. Some woman walked out after Chompsy, the Thalidomide Baby, was introduced. I love it all, being on stage is like nothing else and putting yourself out there is both thrilling and terrifying.
I know you met Christina Hendricks recently at the Hedwig premiere, whose character Joan you base yours on. What was that like?
Yes! She was awesome, seriously she had actually heard about the show, which was insane to me, I actually was very star-struck when I met her. She could not have been more kind, and she's even more beautiful in person. She really wants to see a show, so I gave her the Tumblr page to watch all the past episodes. She's on our mailing list, so crossed fingers you will see her in the audience this time!
See The Mad World Of Miss Hathaway at The Wild Project, New York City. Watch past episodes on Tumblr.