Earlier this year, online rumors started circulating saying that Oscar- and Grammy-winning singer Sam Smith and designer Christian Cowan had broken up, with fans speculating they may have ended things for good. Smith has since denied these rumors, and now, we've got confirmation that the two are better than ever, as Smith and Cowan have made their dazzling and adorable debut at this year's Met Gala!
Kristina Bumphrey/WWD via Getty Images
Sporting matching/complementary outfits made by Cowan himself, the two also held hands when they arrived, and when asked by Vogue on the carpet about the inspiration behind their looks, Cowan said: "Well, because it's meant to be about [going] back in time. We want to say that kind of reference, 1940s tailoring. Oscar Wilde, a queer icon, we're both queer and British, so an English rose...I thought it was perfect."
It's the first time at the Met Gala for the couple, and if that isn't enough to make you gush, Cowan added the sweetest rose detail to both outfits. The reasoning will make you melt.
"Early on in our days, I gave Sam a metal plated rose," Cowan said. "So it was a nod to that moment."
The couple was asked what they were most excited to see for the future of fashion. Sam quickly responded: "Clothes in my sizes in stores. And just to be able to be go into shops, anywhere and be able to wear the girls clothes."
We are so excited to see more moments from this adorable couple in the future!
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