Greetings, Fashionably Faithful!
On season 3 episode 8 of The Traitors, the main challenge tasked the contestants with singing backward nursery rhymes from creepy baby dolls. Alan Cumming reflected this task sartorially, reveals his stylist, Sam Spector.
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"On this episode of The Traitors, we were told dollhouse creepy dollhouse, so I was inspired by these creepy horror dolls," Spector shares as part of Out's What Alan Wore series. "We start with Alan at breakfast in a gorgeously tailored powder blue Paul Smith suit with a Gigi Burris hat. I put a polka dot tie with it because it sort of reminded me of children's wear."
"For the big reveal, we added these tiered sleeve poofy moments, and then we found these baby doll heads, cut them in half so that they would lay perfectly on the lapel, and put beaded eyes on it so that they would just sparkle the red beads again like blood. This is like sort of like a dark whimsical weird moment for The Traitors and we loved those moments."
With the help of Spector, Cumming has become a style icon for his over-the-top looks on the hit Peacock reality competition. (The prior episode also featured a memorable church look.) Spector also styled Cumming in his new Out cover story.
“I’ve unleashed the beast in [Spector], and I really love that,” said Cumming in the interview. “The outfits are so nuts and have become such a part of the fabric of the show.”
“People are so excited and interested in what I wear,” he marvels. “So now, every time we’re like, Oh, my God, what are we going to do now? What are we going to do next?”
Make sure to follow @outmagazine and @samspector on Instagram for more Traitors fashion recaps.