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New Year, New Workout: Ass Blast


Work to tone that behind at the Limelight, New York's former disco

Round butts were the envy of gay men long before J. Lo and Beyonce came into the picture, but sitting on it all day isn't going to help you get the most out of that asset. Ass Blast is an intensive 45-minute workout that helps you develop glutes of steel with variations on kickbacks, squats, and lunges. Try it at the gym's new location, at the Limelight, New York's former disco.

Shorts-tSweat Factor: 4 out of 5
Sexy Factor: 5 out of 5
Shame Factor: 2 out of 5

Want to show off your ass (and legs, of course)? Then pick up these cutoff gym shorts by Todd Snyder + Champion, $58;

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