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New Year, New Workout: Be Better Than Beyoncé


Bow down, bitches.


After dancing to Bey in his bedroom, Dave Duminuco put his passion where it belonged: in the gym. There's no room for embarrassment here--think high-intensity twerking to a full Beyonce soundtrack, and you'll be halfway there. Throw in hip swinging and you're getting close. Add high knees, push-ups, planks, and the occasional high-velocity vomiting (it's happened) and you're in the ballpark. Pretty hurts!


Sweat Factor: 5 out of 5

This is an hour long high-intensity calisthenics class. As Duminuco points out on his Facebook page: "a little sweat ain't never hurt nobody." Ahh, if only it was just a "little" sweat.

Sexy Factor: 1 out of 5

There is nothing sexy about seeing someone's sweat-drenched Lycra-sheathed ass a few inches from your face--even if that someone is Beyonce.

Shame Factor: 2 out of 5

Depending on you feel about twerking in public, the embarrassment factor is likely to be high. And having to alternate twerking with pushups is just cruel.

Results Factor: 4 out of 5

You won't feel flawless, but you will feel exhilarated. You may also have made some friends--Duminuco is a proponent of creating jam circles in which the bravest get to show-off their moves to the rest.

Just to make sure you're not slipping and sliding as you're dipping and diving, pick up Lululemon's ultra-absorbent yoga mat, $68;

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