We might not be big fans of gender reveal parties for children that haven't been born yet -- not only do they assumptively gender children before they're born and celebrate binary notions of gender, but they also often end in disaster (and sometimes explosions) -- but a gender reveal party for an adult child who is transitioning? That is something to celebrate!
Heather Green's Facebook post celebrating her transgender son Adrian Brown went viral thanks to her touching and hilarious photo shoot, in which she renacted her pregnancy to announce, "it's a boy!" Green posed with a fake baby bump and mimicked a newborn shoot, cradling her son in a cheesy black and white photo. Take notes, parents, this is a loving (if slightly embarrassing) way to affirm your child's transition and have a little fun with it. And Green is from conservative Louisville, Kentucky, making her support for her son even more endearing,
"When your child comes out as trans, the best thing to do is create a photo shoot to celebrate the fact that he silently and bravely stepped out of the race that he never wanted to be in, found his own lane and proceeded to win," Green wrote on Facebook, wishing her son Adrian a happy 20th birthday. "You are without a doubt the most fascinating human I know and I will always be your biggest fan! I love you, I honor who you are and I respect your courage to be unapologetically you!! Lets celebrate!!"
Reading Green's post, we're reminded of Yolanda Bogert and Guy Kershaw, who took out a birth announcement to correct the original announcement of their child as female. "He informs us that we were mistaken," they wrote in Australia's The Courier-Mail. "Oops! Our bad. We would now like to present, our wonderful son." This is how you put the A in LGBTQIA!
RELATED | 13 Gender Reveal Fails That Ended in Total Cisgender Disaster