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The Incredibles 2 Trailer May Have Just Saved The World

The Incredibles 2 Trailer May Have Just Saved The World


Guess who's back. Back again.

The supers have returned! At last, the full-length trailer for Incredibles 2 has arrived in all her spandex-clad glory.

The second installment of the beloved Disney Pixar classic sees Mrs. Incredible doing more of the dirty work, heading off in a newly designed supersuit on a motorcycle to help the law by breaking it. The super kids are all still about the same age--Violet's throwing force fields during tantrums, Dash is saving old ladies from flying cars, and Jack Jack... well, Jack Jack is continuing to morph into most chemicals known to man.

Related | Fall in Love With Disney Pixar's New Animated Short, Dante's Lunch

Like its predecessor, the new film is written and directed (and starring as Edna Mode) Brad Bird. It comes to theatres June 15.

Take a look at the incredible new trailer below:

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