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Olly Alexander Literally Gets Wet Talking About Gay Sex Education

Olly Alexander Paris Lees

The Years & Years singer took a bath with sex columnist Paris Lees to discuss attraction and how young gay men have to learn about their sexuality.

Olly Alexander is definitely not interested in your pickle.

The out Years & Years front man got in the tube with sex columnist Paris Lees to talk boys, gay sex education, and what really turns him on.

"I think if you've got confidence and self-respect," he said, "if you have those two things I'll probably be up for having sex with you."

Rubber ducky in hand, Alexander also bemoaned the sex education he had when he was younger, having to learn--like a lot of young gay men--from friends and experimentation.

"Me and my friend used to draw diagrams and be like 'OK, if you're a guy and you're having sex with a guy, what happens when your dick's in him?" Alexander said. "What about that other dick, what happens with that dick? Where does it all go? It's too many dicks!"

Watch the video below.

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