After announcing Prince would suprise drop his five-track Deliverance EP this Friday, a federal judge has stopped recording engineer George Ian Boxill from releasing any unpublished music. The blocked project was planned to commemorate the one-year anniversary or Prince's death on April 21 last year.
Related | Hear the Title Track Off Prince's Surprise New EP, Deliverance
Boxill, who collaborated with Prince on all five Deliverance tracks in 2006, finished producing them after he died and planned to publish them through independent label Rogue Music Alliance (RMA). He successfully shared the title track, "Deliverance," before US District Judge Wilhelmina Wright could grant a temporary restraining order to stop the music's release.
Prince's estate filed a federal lawsuit against Boxill earlier this week, claiming he was trying to exploit the songs for personal gain. The recording engineer reportedly signed an agreement with Prince saying he "would not use any recordings or property in any way whatsoever," and "he would return any such recordings or property to Prince immediately upon request."
Listen to "Deliverance," below.
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