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Shamir's Old Bandmate TEDDY Drops Lo-Fi Bedroom Pop Project

TEDDY & Shamir Bailey

Meet the final artist to be released on Shamir's experimental fake label. 

Ever since breaking free from mainstream music with his sophomore album, Hope, Shamir Bailey has been releasing a series of lo-fi projects from artists he's labeled, "Accidental Pop Stars." A curated mix of close friends and previous collaborators, these rising musicians have all echoed Shamir's own independent values, from RESA to GRASSHOPPER and, now, TEDDY.

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After being introduced to TEDDY as the "female version" of him during their sophomore year of high school, the two started a band, called Anorexia. Their seven-track project together, Bedroom Songs, saw an early interest in the same fuzzy, washed out sounds they revel in today. Though it was largely a side project, Shamir says Anorexia was his first band ever and allowed him to really cut his teeth recording music.

"Being in a band with TEDDY helped me become the artist I am now," Shamir says. "[TEDDY] used to put on beats and force me to freestyle before we started band rehearsal, and that omnivorous approach to things shows in her own music."

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TEDDY's three-song effort, titled UTOPIA, outlines her genre-blurring bedroom pop, as she'll rap in one moment and hum gently above a muddy guitar melody in the next. It's as intimate as Shamir's own Hope, and rounds out his four-part anti-pop project with a strong, cohesive grand finale.

"I started this fake label as an experiment to show others that quality songwriting is more important than clean recordings," Shamir says. "I love lo-fi music because it takes real talent to make music with a DIY approach."

Listen to TEDDY's UTOPIA, below.

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