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Pussy Riot Unveils 2 New Music Videos & Songs

AP Photo/Christian Palma
AP Photo/Christian Palma

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Today, feminist punk group Pussy Riot unveil two new songs and accompanying music videos, "KOShMARY/NIGHTMARES" and "PONG!," which both directly challenge Russian police and state.

The first track is in part a cover of Dina Vierny's "Nightmares." It calls for the immediate release of Olog Sentsov, a Ukrainian film director and political prisoner, and emphasizes the corrupt jail system in Russia.

The second song reimagines the "Punk Prayer" protest--when Pussy Riot filmed themselves protesting inside a Russian Cathedral and ended up with global support, jail sentences and their video banned--as a video game.

Four members of Pussy Riot were arrested after rushing the field of the World Cup Final on July 15. Soon after, they released the new song "Track About Good Cop."

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