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Donald Trump Got Booed When He Arrived to Vote for Himself

Donald Trump
David Goldman/AP

I Heart NY

Is there a more soothing sound than hearing a crowd of people booing the hell out of Donald Trump on this, the day of our reckoning?

That was the scene this morning in New York as Trump and hostage-wife Melania showed up at his polling place to vote. While the rest of New York State tends to lean to the right, New York City is tilted permanently to the left when it comes to presidential races, and so it's no surprise that New Yorkers--emblematic of America's cultural, racial, and religious diversity--are not having any of the GOP nominee's racist, xenophobic, and Islamophobic shenanigans.

To really drive the point home, the assembled crowd--no doubt awaiting their chance to voice their dissatisfaction with The Donald in a more democratically-sustained way--booed Trump on his way out, too:

It's times like this I'm really proud of this town.

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