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President Trump's Pulse Tribute is a Shift From Last Year's Self-Congratulatory Tweet

Donald Trump
Evan Vucci/AP


President Trump took to twitter yesterday to honor the memories of those lost in the Pulse nightclub shooting. The president's observance of the one-year anniversary comes as break from what could be viewed as a general indifference to LGBTQ issues, considering he has yet to issue a proclamation recognizing June as Pride month.

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Trump has previously been accused of exploiting the tragedy for his own political gain. On the day of the shooting in June 2016, he tweeted, "Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism, I don't want congrats, I want toughness and vigilance. We must be smart!"

However, President Trump took a more considerate approach to acknowledge the anniversary of the massacre. Yesterday, the president tweeted, "We will NEVER FORGET the victims who lost their lives one year ago today in the horrific #PulseNightClub shooting. #OrlandoUnitedDay"

This tweet also included a banner that depicted the 49 faces of those killed in the tragedy.

Trump's tweet arrived on a day in which memorial services were held throughout Orlando. June 12 has been officially been recognized by the city of Orlando as Orlando United Day - A Day of Love and Kindness, and a concert was be held in Lake Eola Park to commemorate those lost in the shooting.

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