In an unexpected development following this weekend's white supremacist demonstration in Charlottesville, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe has held a press conference denouncing the actions of the tiki-torch carrying Nazis.
Meanwhile, the actual President of the United States, who said that there way violence on "many sides" of the racist protest, was caught on camera shamelessly evading reporters attempts to have him denounce the actions of the white nationalists in Virginia.
The National LGBT Task Force has also issued a public response to the violence in Virginia, which has left three dead and 35 injured.
"The violence we are witnessing is horrifying, but is merely the latest manifestation of the growing racist, anti-immigration, anti-Semitic, sexist and anti-LGBTQ hate in our midst. The continuing escalation of hate and white nationalist sentiment we are experiencing during the Trump administration has come to this - targeted violence in the streets of Virginia led by the Klu Klux Klan and Neo-Nazi organizations. The National LGBTQ Task Force will not stand by and watch the very fabric of this nation torn apart by hate. We will stand with our immigrant, Muslim, African-American, Latino, differently-abled and all marginalized people targeted by the hate and discrimination coming from all directions, from the White House to the streets of Charlottesville."
It's become clear that, as these violent white nationalists have become emboldened by Trump's presidency, we cannot look to the Commander in Chief to condemn them. Remember that these are the men who elected him, who knew that when he said "Make America Great Again," he meant "make American great again for white men."
If you are looking for a way to contribute to those opposing racist violence in Virginia, the Charlottesville Solidarity Legal Fund is raising funds for anti-racist protestors' legal fees.
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