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Does Eric Trump Think Ellen DeGeneres is Part of a Secret Government Agency?

Ellen DeGeneres, Hillary Clinton, Eric Trump, Barack Obama
Andrew Harnik/AP

How deep do the Trumps think the “Deep State” runs? 

It's no secret that conspiracy theories are given much more exposure these days with a Trump administration in the White House than they were in the past. From the Chinese perpetrating the "hoax" of global warming to Barack Obama not being born in the United States, if it fits Trump's narrative, he's probably tweeted about it.

Currently, one of the flavor-of-the-week theories on Capitol Hill is that there is a organization that operates separately from our three branches of government. This "Deep State" is what really pulls the strings in our country, and Eric Trump might think Ellen DeGeneres is in on it because of his suggested followers on Twitter.

Related | Ellen: There's More Good In the World Than Bad

"Shocking... once again, here are the @Twitter "suggestions" of who I should follow. #DeepState," Trump tweeted yesterday. With the tweet he shared a screenshot of the people that Twitter suggested he follow, including Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the reigning queen of daytime herself. Never mind that Obama and Clinton have careers in politics, making them directly related to Trump, and that Ellen is one of the most popular people on Twitter - it's definitely a scheme to somehow compromise his Twitter account and influence him.

Honestly, if Ellen's hidden, government-piercing agenda is anything like her public one, we're interested. The world could use a little more good-hearted humor and a lot more dancing.

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