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Peter Thiel Already Plans to Support Trump’s 2020 Presidential Run

Peter Thiel, Donald Trump
J. Scott Applewhite/AP

He says Trump’s lies are merely “exaggerations of the truth.”

Barring a breaking scandal (please?) or the impeachment process (pretty please?), Donald Trump still has two years left of his term as president. And though the last two years have been filled with rampant lies, xenophobia, not-so-subtle racism, and numerous attacks on LGBTQ civil rights, billionaire Peter Thiel is already vocally backing Trump for his 2020 attempt at reelection.

Thiel, who cofounded PayPal, serves as a Facebook board member, and had a heavy hand in shutting down Gawker after they outed him, recently spoke with The New York Times and vaguely talked about the decisions that have made him a Silicon Valley pariah.

Among the non-answers he gave, Thiel said that Trump's frequent lies are actually just exaggerations. "I tend to think that the inaccuracies President Trump tells are basically exaggerations of the truth," he said. Hear that fact-checkers?

Thiel, who donated $1.25 million to Trump's 2016 campaign, elaborated a bit when speaking with Bloomberg, which says the billionaire defended Trump by saying, unlike the past three U.S. presidents, Trump hasn't committed the "lie of omission" on subjects like immigration and trade. Just the lie of omission about his taxes, then. Don't forget to exercise your civic duty and vote on November 6.

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