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GOP Senator Joni Ernst Says Transgender Soldiers Should Be Allowed to Serve

GOP Senator Joni Ernst Says Transgender Soldiers Should Be Allowed to Serve

GOP Senator Joni Ernst Says Transgender Soldiers Should Be Allowed to Serve

"If you were willing to lay down your life beside mine I would welcome you into our military."

GOP Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA) has come out in favor of transgender people serving in the military, breaking with President Trump's renewed efforts to keep trans soldiers from service.

Related | President Trump Just Released a Memo Officially Banning Transgender Troops

During an interview with Face the Nation, Ernst -- who sits on the Armed Services Committe -- said that she supports "allowing those transgenders that can serve, I believe they should serve."

"We do want to make sure that they meet physical requirements. We can't waive that. That is true across any demographic within our military. Making sure that they are physically fit and they meet the mental standard. But I've asked transgenders myself, if you were willing to lay down your life beside mine I would welcome you into our military. Again, there are standards that have to be met and I will support the president and the administration on making sure that standards are met. But if there are transgenders that meet those qualifications certainly I would gladly have them serve in our United States military."

"I think the White House has done a very studied analysis of how we have the best qualified people coming into the military," she added when asked if she would ask the White House to change its position on trans troops. "And so I'm happy to have those discussions with the administration but again making sure that those standards are applied fairly across the spectrum of every citizen that wants to join our United States military."

Watch the full interview below.

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