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Breaking: Supreme Court Rules In Favor Of Baker Who Refused to Create Same-Sex Wedding Cake

Breaking: Supreme Court Rules In Favor Of Baker Who Refused to Create Same-Sex Wedding Cake

Charlie Craig and David Mullins
Charlie Craig

US Supreme Court finds against the gay couple.

As USA Today reported, the Supreme Court exonerated Colorado baker, Jack Phillips, of discrimination after refusing to create a custom wedding cake for a same-sex couple Charlie Craig and David Mullins.

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According to this piece, the verdict criticized the state's treatment of Jack Phillips' religious objections to gay marriage, "ruling that a civil rights commission was biased against him." The ruling was 7-2.

Furthermore, this decision did not get to the bottom of whether or not those in the wedding industry that are opposed of same-sex marriage--florists, photographers, etc.--could refuse commercial wedding services to LGBQ+ people.

This legal battle tested the guarantees of free speech and religion and laws in 22 states prohibiting discrimination against the LGBTQ community. As this article highlights, "Phillips was fighting for the rights of "creative artists" to choose what they will sell. Craig, and Mullins were fighting for the rights of LGBT customers to choose what they will buy."

This decision openly invites discrimination against LGBTQ people. For more information on this ruling, click here.

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