In an Instagram story Q+A this past weekend, a fan asked Paris Jackson if she's bisexual. Jackson indicated that others have given her that label, but she doesn't label her sexuality herself.
"I came out when I was 14," Jackson shared on another Instagram story. "I've referred to the community as 'my fellow LGBTQ+ community on stage before. I've talked about having crushes on girls when I was [eight years old] in my Rolling Stone article. There are pictures of me kissing girls online. Why are people just now saying this is news?"
Jackson is clearly comfortable with her sexuality, as evidenced by her openly talking about her attraction to multiple people. But that doesn't give people permission to put a word on her that she doesn't claim for herself.
"And I'm not 'bisexual' I just love people for people," she said in another story. " I don't label myself so please don't label me. Thank you!"
It's that simple, folks. Let's not label Jackson's sexuality, but instead, celebrate her for identifying as part of the LGBTQ+ community.
You can read Jackson's statements on her IG Story right now.
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