George Mason, better known to his loyal fans as pornographic actor HungYoungBrit, pleaded guilty on Friday to one count of outraging public decency after having a threesome on a London Underground train and filming it for his website, according to The Sun. "This is a case of outraging public decency," prosecutor Miss Victoria Murphy said. "On the 19th of February 2018, British Transport Police were contacted to a report of a video which had been posted online showing three men engaged in explicit sexual acts on a train."
"It showed full sex, oral sex and masturbation in the presence of the travelling members of the public. It appears to take place on the Northern Line between Leicester Square and London Waterloo. It was reported by a man who was also gay who thought the video overstepped the mark and was morally unacceptable." Mason and his boyfriend Nicholas Mullan, who was also charged, will be sentenced next month. Outraging public decency is punishable by unlimited imprisonment and an unlimited fine.
The description on Mason's website says the video is "complete on live sex at front of general public on subway train ... and there are lots of normal members of people watching in disbelief."
Mason might consider a threesome on a public train nothing more than kinky fodder for his horny fans, but does he not understand that ... public sex is illegal, and having sex in the confined space of a train car where there are other people, is a breach of consent and general human decency? Assumedly, none of the people on the train gave him their permission to fuck in front of them or signed a release to appear in his video, something he profited financially from.
Last year, porn star Austin Wolf deleted his social media profiles briefly after a eight-minute video titled "Keep Climbing," of him hooking up with a Delta flight attendant in an airplane bathroom was uploaded to his 4MyFans account -- Wolf also owns 4MyFans, a platform that allows users to create profiles that fans can subscribe to for a fee. A preview clip uploaded to Twitter went viral, leading to the flight attendant (who was off-duty at the time but still in uniform) being suspended, according to Delta's statement. The flight attendant claimed that he had no idea Wolf was recording their encounter, but Wolf posted the clip anyway.
These acts raise the point that having a website or contributing to an adult subscription service doesn't mean you have the right to disregard laws in the name of making money. With the advent of fan sites like OnlyFans, anyone with a camera and a WiFi connection can be a porn star, but these sites also make creators the studios, held to the same legal regulations as any enterprise. This means that all those pesky laws in place surrounding public indecency that are there to protect people who don't want to see you fucking in front of them, come into play.
If fooling around in public is your thing, that's fine, as long as it doesn't have the potential to harm someone else. If porn is how you make a living that's great, more power to you, but it shouldn't come at the expense of someone else; not to gatekeep, but not everyone wants to see your dick, babe!
The above photo does not depict people mentioned in story.
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