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Women Photobomb Anti-LGBTQ+ Politician With Kiss Selfie

Two women photobomb anti-gay Italian politician with same-sex kiss selfie.

The gay agenda is strong in Italy!

When an anti-LGBTQ+ politician came to town, two young women did the only thing they could do: They acted super fucking gay.

Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini is a horrible-sounding politician who belongs to the country's far-right League Party, which CNN describes as anti-immigrant, and apparently opposes both LGBTQ+ rights and abortion.

He recently visited Caltanissetta, in Sicily, for a speaking event, and local teenage activists Gaia Parisi and Matilde Rizzo weren't happy about it. The two women came to the event, waited in line for a picture, and when their time arrived to snap a selfie, they instead photobombed Salvini's pic by kissing each other.

"[Ours is a] message of love and tolerance against the language and the attitude of hatred that politicians like Matteo Salvini keep spreading," Parisi told CNN in an interview. "But also it's an encouragement not to give up, to keep protesting against discrimination and injustices, because even a simple and natural act like a kiss can open a political debate."

Parisi posted the pic on Instagram with the caption, "Ciao amico." Salvini later reposted the pic on his own channels, with a caption in Italian that roughly translates to "Best wishes, peace and good, sisters."

"We decided to use all the means at our disposal to protest peacefully, to be able to send our message through the platforms that unfortunately, today, seems to be the main platforms by which our ministers communicate with citizens," the young woman continued. "If the inadequacy of the medium was not enough, I think that the use they make of it is really improper."

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