Brazil's president Jair Bolsonaro likened his own homophobic regime with that of his US counterpart's when he said they stood "side by side" in ensuring "liberties and respect to the traditional family lifestyles and respect to God, our creator, against the gender ideology and the politically correct attitudes," according toLGBTQ Nation.
Bolsonaro, whose been called the "Trump of the tropics" is visiting the US this week, three months after taking Brazil's top office. His rise to popularity has included using racist, sexist, homophobic, and transphobic rhetoric to drum up his base (ahem, sound familiar?). Once in office, Bolsonaro installed a cabinet of other anti-LGBTQ+ figures, while continuing his scornful statements.
Among some of his statements, Bolsonaro claimed that homosexuality and pedophila are linked and therefore same-sex couples should not be allowed to adopt children. He removed LGBTQ+ rights accommodations from public policy just hours after taking office. He's said he'd rather have a son who is "an addict than a son who is gay," and also said, "I prefer, rather, a son run over by a convoy to a homosexual son. If my son were "gay," he would be dead to me."
"Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro is a tyrant who has condoned violence against LGBTQ people, even if it means death," said Sarah Kate Ellis, president and CEO of GLAAD, said in an emailed statement. "Americans should be disturbed that the President of the United States is holding meetings with Bolsonaro and choosing to set a dangerous precedent by normalizing an anti-LGBTQ tyrant."
Similarly, Donald Trump and his broader administration have orchestrated several moves to undermine or condemn LGBTQ+ people in the US. Among the most notable was a tweet that resulted in policy attempting to prevent transgender people from openly serving in the military. He also agrees that companies should be allowed to discriminate against gay customers. Trump also reportedly said, "Don't ask that guy--he wants to hang them all" regarding Vice President Mike Pence and LGBTQ+ rights.
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