Well, it's been a short but good run for HBO's groundbreaking show about gays coming and coming of age in San Francisco. Let's take a look at what we'll miss most about Looking.
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Well, it's been a short but good run for HBO's groundbreaking show about gays coming and coming of age in San Francisco. Let's take a look at what we'll miss most about Looking.
Doris really put the "fag" in fag hag. She was more like one of the boys and therefore was never reduced to an accessory. Hell, if Doris wanted to, she could be the whole damn outfit.
Dom's Mustache
Arguably the best thing to happen to HBO since The Sopranos ended, Dom's mustache made every day Movember.
Kevin's Ass
Though a sucker for an accent, I always kinda thought that Kevin was an ass. Ah, but what an ass. Fare thee well, Kevin's butt. I think I'll miss you most of all.
Richie's Soulfulness
At the end of the gay, Richie was the heart of the show and his absence was felt not only in Patrick's life, but ours as well. And while you can't really blame Patrick for not being ready for the kind of all-or-nothing love Richie was offering, the kid learned a thing or two during his dalliance with Kevin. Last we saw, Richie was finally ridding Patrick of his middle-aged lesbian hair. Who knows what secrets lie in those follicles -- perhaps the future of Richtrick? [Dammit, I wish I had come up with that portmanteau earlier]
Agustin and Eddie
Remember what a trainwreck Agustin was at the beginning of the season/all of the first season? I mean, Richie literally found homegurl in the gutter. Turns out, though, all Agustin needed was someone who didn't take his bullshit and Eddie certainly made him work for his affection -- no doubt the most work he's done in years.
The Frank Sexuality
We're first introduced to Patrick through a seedy hookup in the woods like it's 1976 all over again, when the gay sexual revolution was in full swing. From enemas and PrEP to open relationships and dating someone with HIV, not to mention the ubiquity of Grindr, Lookingunflinchingly tackled modern gay sexuality -- even when it wasn't so sexy, right Patty?
The End Credits Music
Hands down, Looking had the best end credits on TV. Zip up those strutting pants and get to twerk with these highlights from season two:
Les Fabian Brathwaite, waiting for Six Flags to get it together with a Dom's Mustache Ride.
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