An intrepid reporter at MTV asked the cast of Marvel's The Avengers: Age of Ultron the important questions in life, namely, "Who's bicep is this?"
By now we've all had lifetime passes to the Guns Shows of the Chrises -- Hemsworth and Evans -- but Robert Downey Jr's iron arms had everyone stumped.

These young guns better recognize.

So in the interest of, oh, I dunno, cinema, let's take a look at how the Avengers hunks stack up.
Chris Hemsworth
The reigning king/mythological god of biceps

Ruffalo had the nerve to unleash the guns

And got shot in the face

Chris Evans
No slouch in the arms department, Captain America is giving Thor a run for his money

He even makes this god awful goatee look vaguely sexy.

Jeremy Renner
Don't sleep on Green Arrow

Mark Ruffalo
Last and probably least

But luckily Dr. Banner has some other, impressive qualities

Les Fabian Brathwaite -- ageless, of Ultron