Hot Pursuit, the upcoming buddy comedy starring Reese Witherspoon and Sofia Vergara, has been attracting a lot of positive attention. A film with a plot driven by female protagonists who are doing more than hunting for men (and directed by a woman), it's a welcome addition to the coming summer's release schedule, especially following last year.
"Last year was not a good year for women's films," Witherspoon told PrideSource. "But, it's actually a really exciting summer for women's films [this year] with Pitch Perfect 2, directed by a woman (Elizabeth Banks), and Spy with Melissa McCarthy, and Trainwreck with Amy Schumer."
There's one scene in particular sure to get tongues wagging, where Witherspoon and Vergara share an onscreen kiss, pretending to be lesbians in order to get out of a dicey situation. Despite the nation's growing acceptance for LGBT people, Hollywood's attitude towards actors and the roles they play remains problematic. While gay actors continue to be overlooked for straight roles, straight actors often receive effusive praise for playing gay--those that are willing to do so, that is.
When asked about the lesbian scene, Witherspoon had this incredible response:
"I think gay people are able to play straight roles; straight people are able to play gay roles. The whole point of being an actor is to transform. If people don't understand that we need to be malleable in our sexuality, then I think they need to lighten up."
Neither actress are strangers to a gay fanbase. Witherspoon says that it was "probably Legally Blonde, or Cruel Intentions" that first made her aware of her gay following. Vergara, on the other hand, says that she's rarely thought about it. "I've always had a lot of gay friends as very close friends," she explains. "I don't know! My [Modern Family] character, Gloria -- they like her!"
To read more from the interview, in which they discuss female empowerment in Hollywood, their respective lesbian fans, and Witherspoon donning Jose Bieber drag, visit PrideSource.
Hot Pursuit opens in theaters May 8. Watch the trailer below:
Beware of the Straightors: 'The Traitors' bros vs. the women and gays