Who You Callin' Mrs. Takei?

 George Takei and husband Brad are back today with the third episode of their heightened reality series It Takeis Two
May 07 2015 1:38 PM EST
May 07 2015 1:41 PM EST
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 George Takei and husband Brad are back today with the third episode of their heightened reality series It Takeis Two
Brad Takei's adjusting to life in limelight after the success of his and George's documentary To Be Takei. But as he says in this episode of their web series, he begins to recognize that he has a responsibly to his fans just as George does, so he sets out to find a way to define his unique voice and be heard along the way. As always, Brad's husband George Takei is by his side to offer both solicited and unsolicited advice. Cook books, catch phrases and amazing races abound as the pair search to answer: "What does it Takei to get noticed?"
Watch the latest episode below: