The unique premise of BBC America's Orphan Black allows for the show's star, Tatiana Maslany, to play an array of characters. The original drama has been widely praised for its complex portrayal of women and LGBT characters, and has attracted a wide following within the community.
Speaking with Claire Pires of GLAAD, Maslany offered an emotional and personal explanation as to why she's an ally to the LGBT community:
"It's a no-brainer. There's no question... A lot of my friends, you know, have struggled wuth coming out, or with identifying how they identify. And it's just a no-brainer to me. It just makes no sense that there wouldn't be support for the community, that it even has to be a separate community."
Watch the full interview below:
Beware of the Straightors: 'The Traitors' bros vs. the women and gays