It was a long road to country-wide marriage equality with key stops and bumps along the way. Long before this morning's 5-4 Supreme Court ruling in favor of marriage equality, celebrities were taking a stand and vowing not to get married until it was available to everyone. Though some have since gotten married with the repeal of DOMA or during other pivotal moments during the marriage equality fight, a few have yet to say their vows.
Lena Dunham, who's been dating Fun. member Jack Antonoff recently said on Ellen:
"The idea of having a celebration that can't be fully shared among all people in my life and all the people we love just doesn't feel like a celebration at all. So until that's something that everyone can join into with no sense of being left out on any level, politically, emotionally, that's just not something we're going to do."
Dunham tweeted at her boyfriend this afternoon:
Charlize Theron, though recently split from Sean Penn, in response to her quote brought up by Piers Morgan saying, "The more I lived in the U.S. and had friends who were gay or lesbian and watched them struggle in this society where you can only get married if you have the right kind of love - I think love is love and we should all have the same rights," said love is:
"A divine right, and when government starts to tell us who can love and what is good love, whether it's government or a government built on a certain religion - I do have a problem with that."
Sarah Silverman recently said on Ellen:
"I love when my friends get married, and I'm so happy for them, but I just don't understand the instinct to want to join a club that's elitist. It's like joining a country club that doesn't allow Jews or black people. What's the difference?"
Well, ladies, have at it. We'll see you at the reception.