Starring Sherry Vine & Peppermint, directed by Francis Legge and produced by Josh Rosenzweig, this celebratory video is an homage to those hyper-masculine music videos from the early '80s such as "Let's Get Physical," "So Many Men," and "Macho Man," depicting men in hyper-masculine settings (and shot on location at the Ace Hotel New York), but with homo-erotic undertones.
"For our version of the song and video we thought it would be an interesting and playful take having two drag performers and a wonderful cast of guys, representing the trans-masculine spectrum." says Sherry Vine. Producer Josh Rosenzweig adds:
"We wanted to do something that was fun and a little bit different from the parodies that Sherry has been doing. So we thought, what better way to celebrate all the amazing strides we have made this year than by taking an iconic gay anthem and cover it but with a new fun and very modern twist."