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#StillHill: America's Coolest Grandma Gets In On the #MannequinChallenge


With a little help from Jon Bon Jovi. 

The internet's current obsession is the #MannequinChallenge, which is basically a viral version of Red Light, Green Light, 1-2-3 started, appropriately, by bored teenagers who apparently don't have any studying to do. You and your friends just freeze time for a few seconds and someone with a camera captures all the mannequin fun.

ab fab patsy stone transOr Mannequin fun.

Celebs from a gravity-defying Ellen DeGeneres (and Warren Beatty) to the New York Giants locker room to a reunited Destiny's Child have weighed in with their own renditions, so of course Bey's BFF Hillary Clinton had to get all up in this gig:

Of course, the Notorious HRC used the meme as an opportunity to remind everyone to get out and vote because there's some sort of election or whatever happening. Meanwhile, is is me, or does this freeze frame perfectly capture Huma Abedin really contemplating her life choices?


You can almost see her regretting the night she put that Weiner ring on, thus forcing Hillary to yet again attempt to awkwardly appeal to The Kids. It's almost over, girl.

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